
It’s as if the rain are our unspoken words of forgiveness, and some how, we’re still in this.
We’re bleeding on the ground, rolling around, smearing it onto the floor.
Cover ourselves and we’ll be more then friends we’ll be dying, ‘til the end.
Breath for love that doesn’t exist and maybe it wouldn’t have to come to this.
How can I be loyal, faithful, when my minds’ wandering again?
It’s not day dreaming because these scenes happened once before, but I want them to happen a thousand times more, but we’re too far away and it’s you I adore.
‘Twas I… who declared undying love to find… that I was always enough… yet I weep because we’ve tried this once, but I want more, there must be more.
Go off on your tangent and sing in the rain, believe in nothing but hold in your phrase.
Sleep to be angry, yawn to wake up and breath for salvation, that will never come.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just something I wrote.