
you ask how I'm doing
I'm fine, but you don't need to know
you took my heart
and cut it in four
as with the words you said
they peirced my soul
and for that I will never forgive you.
so before you pick up that phone
or even think of me...

just forget, like I have
I don't want to see your face again
cause I can't stand the way you are
won't put up with that no more
I need a man, I can trust
not a boy who wants a truck
and a job
and a girl
and a cigarette that he can't afford.
so before you dial my number
and before you even conjuer my face in your memories...

you want to know how I am,
you want to see if I still love you
but I know, it's all a show
your affection really never existed...
so all I have to say is
go on home
don't try to talk to me once more.

and before you think, I forgave you...