For Christian...

A best friend, a brother
For some just another
Guy in the crowd
For me? An angel
That someone sent down

An angel in High tops
Sent down just for me
I'm too blessed by this world
When I'm secretly so crazy

We must be meant for something
We feel so much
And still think so little of it
Like turning our backs

What is there to say?
But that words aren't necessary
Because I'm floating away
A voice isn't needed when you're in complete bliss

But I'm different.
So when I walk the streets
I can't help but sing.
Just want to keep gazing at clouds.

I can see you up there!
You're watching over me
People claim you're not who you seem
They just don't see the real you

Not like I do.
Not how you know me.
Just thought you should know,
You're my angel in shinny jeans. <3
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for my friend Christian! He's the best, and I miss him!
I haven't sen him since I changed schools X(