I'm Sorry My Best Isn't Good Enough

I fall asleep to the lullaby of my tears

Wishing for comfort, fighting for silence

Filled with hate at the world,

At life,

At myself, for be so selfish

Who will ever want me?

I don't even like me-

Why would anyone else? (Its all just a pity game-I know it)

How can't you see how much I hate it there?

How this place causes so much more damage to me now,

then the good it (may) bring can ever fix?

Why can't you see that the seams that hold me together are ripping?

This will not make me stronger,

But will only serve to make my eventual fall

Worse than it was already destined to be

Nobody's perfect

I'm getting tired of trying to be
♠ ♠ ♠
So its about 1:17 am. I just wrote this like without any planning or whatever. Sorry if it sucked. Is it sad that I can admit my problems easily online to complete strangers, but shy away from confronting those who mean most?