My Open Secret

Being hated for a disease you can get rid of
Being excluded before people even know you
A secret that everybody knows
Hating yourself for something you can change
Knowing you can have friends, but not anything more
People being disgusted by you
Not being able to hid it
Something you can die from
Something that can make you want to die
Something your doctor can tell you to fix
It’s not like race
It’s not like religion
It’s not like gender
This is something you can get rid of
Something EVERYBODY wants to get rid of
And yet you don’t
♠ ♠ ♠
This is one of my poems that every time I read it, I cry. It's not one of my best written works, but to me, it speaks the loudest. Of all of you who've read it, did you get anything? Or is it just me being me?