Dead In Reality, Alive In Our Dreams.

With cold feet,
I turn and see your face.
Mysteriously gleaming
with neverending love.
A ghost from today.
A nothing, but something.
The one who held my
hand when my tears were
so heavy they fell.
And now in our dreams you hide.
Playing peek-a-boo
with our imagination.
Kissing us with lips
like soft, pink clouds.
Taking away all the pain
for just a moment.
Leaving behind somewhat
memories of childplay.
A romance in disguise.
Daydreams ruled by you.
Like Nazi's and the jews.
Once, you were strong.
Brave behind the fears.
Once you were our hero.
The wind beneath our wings.
Now, you spread your wings,
and fly into an imaginary
happy place,
for those who deserve the best.
Eyes glistening,
lips almost smiling.
You leave us here as humans.
We live on without you now,
But somehow you're still there.
Reality is broken by our
peaceful happenings of
the night.
You are no longer held back, or
Tied down. No longer stressing
the threat of death.
You are free of the earth itself,
But forever in our dreams.
November 16, 2010, 3:15 A.M
Dedicated to Cristian (Togin) Raygoza.
Forever Rest In Peace Nico.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just wrote it in Notepad. It all came to me at once, words flowing in a matter of seconds.
I hope you like it. It helped my open wound a bit.. To know he's in a better place.
Of course, it's dedicated to you, Crissy. Why wouldn't it be? You're the best inspiration I've had for a while. (Well, you with the help of Nico.)
Thanks heaps. <33