Simply put; Sonnet 1

Love the journey, hate the destination;
We're just living fast to pass on too young.
What is of hope without infestation?
Rise from the ash, there are words to be sung.
Yet, you claim to be wise beyond our years.
You state that you know your perfect verse.
Our ignorance, you'll shield, caused by your fears.
All know your lies plainly, with words so terse.
Say what you may of our bright lunacy,
That it brings about a storm filled of rage.
Yourself shall not forgive your truancy;
Minds' absence is what brings about this cage.
Create an undyin' feeling that inspires;
Of which you began, known as a wild fire.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this on a whim really,
an assignment given by my British Literature teacher.
But I'd like some feedback on this still (:
Perhaps some advice to better my sonnets?