Whisper and Roar

They came around five without a warning
And after they left, left many mourning.
Clever they were as they hid in the rain
Leaving these people in so much pain.

With great speed, they left destruction in the wake
But only minutes was all that it would take.
Together they caused so much damage
This was too much for one to manage.

Now one soul will forever lie.
Why oh why did she need to die?
With all their strength they simply destroy.
Why can’t this be a fictitious ploy?

The Titans gone, those cursed twisters
Like twins they were, almost like sisters.
The streets were now filled with debris
Now it’s time to rebuild you see.

I still look back and reflect, oh with great pity
For this I pray for the hollowed New York City.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I wrote this for my creative writing class, I hope you enjoy ;)