Words are like a fling

Hold your chin up nice and high

Don't let them words make you feel down

Never let that smile leave you face

You let them win when you frown

Words can cause you a lot of hurt

Actions leave you in emotuonal pain

What's the point of these silly games

Look at yourself see what you have to gain

Falling victime to these harsh words

Everyday seems a little harder

But you have got to get the upper hand

Don't do a thing and walk away prouder

I'd like to say I don't care what you say

You're hurting me because you hurt too

Well I;m done with these mind games

In the end you'll look like the fool

I'm done with all your childish plans

It's time to grow up and just get going

Just quit talking I've had enough

These little games have gone on too long

So hold your chin up high

Those words don't mean a thing

Words can be like a commitment

Or get over them like a fling
