crying in a ravens wing

i stand still while tears run from my face
is he here i havent seen a trace
then the pecking begins on my door
and i take a step forward, silence once more

i lay in my bed, eyes open wide
should i run, report, or hide
none of them is possible to do
for my love for him is strong and true

wings beeting, i hear them now
my heart is racing, why and how
i am not going to give in this way
but i guess it was to late to say

above my head, was the bird
strong and mighty as i heard
he lifted me, and cradled me tight
and that was the end.. goodnight
♠ ♠ ♠
this had never happened to me, though to some poeple i know. so when i write this i feel the feelings they must have.. the depressed feelings,so dreded, they may be. when i hear about these thing i just burst and have to write about it