Manufactured Suicide

This R O P E necklace isn't a fashion statement.
True beauty hurts.
It's being yourself despite who hates it.
Anything other than you is unacceptable.
Anything other than you is fake.
The only real beauty is what you see when you look into a (rorrim).
Bright, crystal eyes.
Soft, perfect chaotic hair.
A huge smile made of lips that someone is dreaming of kissing.

Fashion destroys us.
Fashion distracts us from the S O U L
But the truth behind it is,
the rope would B E C O M E fashion.
Just like jeans, the style would spread like w i l d f i r e.
One suicide would lead to another.
The truth behind it is,
If you go, I'd be the first to follow the trend.
I'd rather die than live one more moment in the manufactured world without you.

I don't expect you to understand
but my fashion is the heart in my s l e e v e.
The heart that loves you. The heart that would hate to see you go.
S T A Y.