Nothing More Than Walking Zombies

Everyone starts,
No one stops.
To notice…
All these broken hearts.

Someone has shut off the electricity,
That had once pulsed through our veins,
That had once made our hearts beat,
That had once helped us stay alive.

Now we’re alone,
Separated from everyone else.
We can’t find our path back;
All our strength lost from us.

We’ve been ignored,
We’ve been gone for too long,
And now no one notices…
No one cares.

We reach down and pick up the pieces scattered around us,
Trying to fit them back where they belong.
Such perfect bleeding puzzle pieces,
But unknowing where they fit.

Your insides fill with regret and longing,
And the frustration rips at you until there’s nothing left.
Tears slip down your face,
But everyone has stopped watching.

You beg for a change,
For anything to stop the pain that rips you apart.
But to no avail—
Your luck has run short.

So stand along with the others,
Surrounded by more hearts as black as your own.
Because you know no one else will come to save you,
To save them.

So stand and stop.
Everything you’ve known.
Stop the pain;
Stop believing.

Nothing will change for us;
No one will help us,
And it’s just easier if you accept this now;
Because this way no other hearts will be broken.

♠ ♠ ♠
okk, so I REALLY WANNA SEE SOME COMMENTSSS on this one. don't disappoint ;DDD