Too Many Episodes of Law and Order

Children are b l i n d
to the fact that they are watched.
The man lurks in the trees
hoping not to be seen.

The school bell rings and kids run to class.
except on straggler.
Poor Timmy n e v e r stood a chance.

The small rubber ball is the only thing he sees.
He c h a s e s it into the trees.

The man makes his m o v e
and soon everyone will know
that at school that day,
Timmy was a no show.

An Amber alert is sound.
But no news for three days is found.
Until that p l a s t i c bag was dug from the ground.
Poor little Timmy never made a sound.

The investigation came to a stop
when the m o r b i d crook was never caught.

A week goes by
and nothing has changed
until small A b b y
joins in the game

Her body was found
laying naked in a river.
along with a n o t e
giving no surrender.

The children are scared
and I would be too.
Especially since I know,
the m u r d e r e r is after you.