the girl with the blue dress

she's so wasted
she can't take it
"one day i saw a girl with a blue dress" she told me
"she smiled to me and told me to be her friend"
"she took my hand and drove me crazy"
"she showed me the way"
"the only way to calm the pain"
and the tears rain down her face
"i'm sick of crying" she cried
"i'm sick of pretending"
"the girl's in my head"
"her voice comes every time" she said
"she makes me wanna die" i got scared
"she's taking control of my mind"
"the monster inside of me, is winning"
"i'm afraid i won't make it alive..." she paused
since that day..
she lost her smile,
the shine in her eyes,
her soul
her hopes
her dreams
since that day
she became the girl
with the blue dress.
the one that she was afraid...
took control of her mind.
she's not herself anymore.
and i didn't knew how to help her