I Hate To See You Cry

The shadows hide the worry in your face
But the chill deep in your bones cannot lie
I've always hated seeing you happy
But I hate to see you cry

Stop the yelling and the begging
There is nothing left to say nor do
Why would this ever be the moment
To show how easily I can break you

Where's your pride, where's your control
Where's the girl I used to see
The one who wouldn't give a damn
And at every chance would fight with me

You started caring, idiot
That's what has happened here
I warned you not to get attached
But you are always too deaf to hear

I counted on you to hate me
To return the damage I've done to you
What in name have you done to me
All the shit I've put you through

Now you're here, still drowning
And I will never offer you my hand
I'm watching you fall, and I will never care
I'm happy where I am

I'll leave again and again and again
And you'll always be here, asking why
But soon enough, I fear, I'll give

Because, I hate to see you cry...