The Crimson

Your arms, legs, stomach, chest
Are all marked up with crimson lines,
Tears in your flesh
Tally marks of everyday you couldnt stand living
You hide them from me
But I still see them
The crimson shines through your transparent facade
"I'm fine"
"Dont worry"
Such a perfect liar
I know your aching
I see the tears staining your cheeks
Did you think I would overlook your pain?
Did you think I would ignore it?
You're always 'tired'
You never go out anymore
Depession has taken you hostage
But I'm taking you back
You dont deserve crimson running down your arms
You're too beautiful too be covered in scars
Too young to hate the world so much
I try and try to get through to you
That this truly has to stop
But I cant seem to get the light to come back to your eyes
I fear you've gone too far
Swallowed in fear
Drenched in pain
Covered in crimson
And never the same