Untitled- 2/25/10

Somniferous drabble, cathartic speeches
All I’ve ever given you
Reciprocation, feigned empathy
All I’ve ever asked of you
You cry on me and I take your hand
I don’t expect you to understand
You spew your woes and pray for death
That’s all I’ve ever heard from you
Commiseration, acknowledgement
That’s all I’d ever expect from you
Then when I tried to ask for help
You couldn’t afford to be bothered
Yet in your phases, you don’t know
I’ve completely abandoned my world for you
You don’t see any point in this
I’m trying to push you through it
Though what’s the point of helping you
When I am on my own?
Admiration, appreciation
I know better than to expect from you
Annoyance, palter, castigation
All that I have left for you
♠ ♠ ♠
This was my first poem since the 7th grade. lol