I Guess I Should Name This Something Better To Catch Your Attention,

Are we the lies you told? Are we the slaves you sold? How can one think differently in a life that lies to haze our minds. Constantly, routinely doing what we're told, staying in the circle of the life that we know. Shadows cast over the truth. How do we tell reality from insanity? Are we all losing our minds? Could that be such a bad thing? Maybe insanity will clear the haze that years past have put into our brains. Maybe chaos can clear the plague that has come upon us from so many years of lies and hidden truths. Our leaders lie, our lovers lie. Who are we to trust? The chaos of impending doom seems so bittersweet to one that watches the world from a distance. Maybe the chaos would be bittersweet to us all, to watch this world come crashing to its knees, unable to stand as it watches its inhabitants cheer from the stands. Broken by those we trust, we shy away from what was and what could be. We let others ruin us, only to hurt more. Hatred spreads hatred, lies spread lies. Aren't we any better than this? For one to tell the truth, the answer would be no. We aren't any better, for if we were, the lies would diminish, instead of diminishing us. We hold pain and anger on our hearts, just to feel. But isn't feeling happiness also to feel? We feel that we must be hurt and must be angry to feel, to be. So, let's watch this city burn the world.