Smile. I love that smile.

I smell you on my fingers.
I feel you on my lips.
I know you in my head.
I hold you in my heart.
You make me feel.
You make me free.
You accept me.
You know me.
You love me.
You bring out the best in me.
We may disagree.
We may not always have the same view
On this world of ours.
But as cliche as it seems,
You're my knight in shining armor.
You came at the right time.
And all those other sayings.
I want to tell you how I feel,
So I'll just say this.
I fall in love with you
More every day.
I love every little thing about you,
And you drive me crazy all the time.
Sometimes I don't know how to handle
The way I feel.
But somehow, it always works.
When I look in your eyes,
I see a happiness I thought
Would never return.
I missed your laugh,
And that handsome smile.
I'm glad I'm the one that puts it there.
You mean a lot to me.
In fact, possibly everything.
I never want you to forget what
We have.
We are two amazing souls,
As you just said to me.
Two amazing souls,
Combined with two wild hearts.
You're all that I needed
And I never even knew it.
But whenever I feel sad,
Or lonely or angry,
I just remember that you love me.
That thought is all I need.
I hope you feel the same way, too.
For hope, my dear one, is all that we have
And we must cherish it.
Cherish it like I cherish you.
I love all that you do for me
And all I want is your happiness.
So do something for me,
My dear Joshua.
Smile. I love that smile.