Right Beside You

Open your eyes
Look around at what you have
Are you surprised

Let go of the hands that have bound you
Pulled you under
Beaten you
You don't need them anymore
You're cured

Take a step and live a little
See, you can stand
Breathe again, see again
With your own eyes
Let go of my hand...

Smile again, and laugh
Run and jump and sing
Don't worry, I'm right beside you
And when the day comes that you find yourself alone
You'll be fine all on your own

Listen now
You have to let everything go
There's nothing left for you here, I fear
All of it destroyed somehow

But listen
Idiot, child, little girl
Spread those wings and fly
Never look back, never think
Never hesitate

All the things that have caged you back
Strangled you
Mangled you
You don't have to let them win
It has always just been up to you

Never blink for those who were wrong
And smile to those who resemble
You can get away, don't you see
There is so much possibility
So much to do...

Don't worry
I'll stay-

Right beside you...

Now let go.