Tommy's Got a Gun

When Tommy was born he was cherished and loved
Had a nice home, a father and mom
A pretty older sister
A brother who cared
A dog who watched over him, and kept him company while he was scared

Tommy went to a nice school where he learned and played
He made lots of friends
He attended every day
He got amazing grades,
His parents were so proud
Back then they never had to worry about how his future carried out
They thought he was set

But they didn’t know yet that the economy would tank
Then everything went down the drain
The house up for foreclosure, the bills were never paid
The dog was sold for money
The sister ran away
The brother was a junkie until his dying day
Daddy got laid off
Mommy had a bad job

They had to move from the suburb
Rent a cheap apartment in the city
Tommy went to his grandma because she took pity
But she wasn’t that great
And she never watched out
His parents weren’t around
He had no school, no pals
His brother and sister were gone
And so was his dog
Everything, always gone
Everything always lost

So Tommy sold and he used
He had sex and he boozed
He got picked on in school
He hung out with people who forced him to do
Shit that he didn’t want to
Jobs that he wasn’t suited for
He couldn’t help it, he was poor

Sending money to his mother
Trying to look after his brother
Living with his grandmother
His grades were terrible
His self-esteem was even worse
Until the day it just broke

Because now he’s got a gun
And his sitting on a building
Looking at the world below
Wondering who would miss him
No one would, he knew it
The past ten years proved it

So now he’s got a gun
He points it at his head
He pulls the trigger slow
He feels all the dread
The sweat flows down his face

The sounds is sweet to him
The feeling is bliss
To be leaving this world of constant hardship
But he never knew that they cared
Never heard an I love you
Never received a hug
He would never ever dream that someone would have cried
Someone would cry for him
Someone would have died for him
But in this stupid nation
Bullets speak louder than emotions
Louder than feelings and words
Because when you are in the dirt
It feels like you can’t get out
So tommy took the hard way and now
He’s lying in the ground
Not moving, no sound

Tommy got a gun
he told himself they won
They hated him, he was worthless
All the more reason he deserved this
But Tommy you never knew,
I would have saved you

Because it’s easy to feel pain when it’s all you’ve ever known
It’s easy to feel shameful
it’s easy to feel alone
You feel like if your gone
Then so will the suffer cease to exist
The pain and agony of heartbreak this
I know
I know it too
The feelings you have when there’s no one to turn to
No house to call home
No brother who cares
No daddy and mommy
No pretty little sister
No dog who’s always there

I know how it feels, Tommy
I am always scared
That at the end of every dark tunnel there is an even darker one still
But you know what, Tommy?
You never know until
You find out for yourself
By walking down the path light or none to guide you
Because what is at the end of life’s tunnel
Is decided by what we do
Oh Tommy, Tommy I would have saved you
But you got a gun
You pointed it at your head
You stood there and pulled that trigger
You made me feel the dread
As I watched from my building
Eyes going red
With mascara waterfalls tattooing themselves on my cheeks

Oh Tommy, poor Tommy
If only you knew
Oh Tommy, oh Tommy
I would have saved you
♠ ♠ ♠
Forgive it's longness...I was writing this for my creative writing class and thought i would post it on here while I was at it...Enjoy :)

Wendy L.