
Escaping the equitable clutches of the exaggerated town,
His corrupted mind wandered around aimlessly on an expedition.
He carefully constructed and found his own dream, never to be down.
Thinking thoroughly through the options he gave himself a commission.

The definite duty of the day was to become free.
He would no longer let himself be controlled by a world so cold.
And thus, step by step he patrolled the new area, never to flee.
He did not notice the eager eye that eyed him, waiting to scold.

Change continued to occur, causing chaos everywhere, this made him smile.
The vicinity of the village remained empty for many years.
And yet it still contained one last tough trial.
The trial that many failed, he smirked smugly with no fears.

His idealistic imagination got the best of him in the end.
All that would remain untouched is the built kingdom,
That he tried to create using the same tactics and the same trend.
Escaping the exaggerated town was his fault to gain no freedom.