Evening Grace

The tempted smiles through thine mask,
That seize the gazing crowd,
Continue forward as each innocent companion,
Denies thy evening grace.

The pure but nameless sin watched,
Until the unchangeable moment,
Became a reality no hands,
Could free thyself from dread.

The lack of a pompous posture,
Lead to a life not yet able to live,
And so thy valleys grew dark,
And thy oceans grew shallow.

Thy mask began engulfing,
Every ounce of hope, then drifted,
Into sin’s clasp, a strong grip indeed,
Draining the innocence of thy soul.

The tempted frowns through thine mask,
That no longer seize the gazing crowd,
Continue on as each knowing companion,
No longer denies, for in the end,
The truth has been found.