
Do you even care for me?
Do you even still love me?
I use to smile at you with glee,
but I have a feeling you no longer care for me.

I cry at night now because of you.
I only feel hurt and pain now because of you.
I only felt like this for a few,
but I guess you too.

I still love you;
I still wish to spend my time with you.
But now I wonder if you care for me
or be thrown to the side once you’re thru.

I want you to call me back
or is this an ability you completely lack.
I want to love you to cherish you,
but all you do is make me cry.

I want to tell you what you do
but I can’t stand up to you.
I want to tell you
how hurt you make me fell.

I tried to hurt myself
on the off chance you will care;
yet I wouldn’t dare
to do something so stupid.

I know there are better choices out there
Ones much better than I.
I know I am not the best
and this makes me cry.

I try to be strong but it doesn’t work
I stare in the mirror,
the person staring back is giving an evil smirk
I try to stay strong but it never works.

You cause me so much pain
I want to show it to you
it might become my gain.

What have I done?
Why do you hate me?
I want to fix it for the long run.

I have sacrificed so much for you
maybe that was wrong.
Maybe that was the mistake or two,
that you actually wanted me.

I still need to know
why I mean so little to you.
But will you throw
me to side once you’re thru.

I’m hurt deeply
yet you don’t seem to notice.
My desperate cries to you
have gone completely unnoticed.