I Am Unafraid.

The shadows on the wall are my fears. They see into my soul as they morph into what will frighten me most and I am scared. They dance around me, like thoughts of my past. The guilt weighs down on me and I am afraid. Afraid to love, afraid to jump, afraid to trust. And I am angry. Angry that I let them hold it over my head. I call out to you and you are there. Just like my next heart beat, you'll be waiting for me. I hear you whisper encouraging words and I turn away from what scares me. The shadows on my wall disappear. They mean nothing. I create them, and I chase them away. Can I always think this way? A whisper in the dark. In rain, see a spark. Feel the beating of a heart. The whisper drives the thoughts away. The spark drives the shadows away. The heart drives my fear away. And I am unafraid.