The Judges of my Life

Today is Monday
I made myself ‘perfect’ for the judges of my life
They still told me something was wrong about me
I tried to look my best…

Today is Tuesday
I tried to fix what was ‘wrong’ with me from yesterday and weeks before
They still found something different about me
Why is it me?

Today is Wednesday
I looked at myself and thought I looked great
They didn’t… They found something that set me apart
But someone else did the same thing….

Today is Thursday
I fixed everything possible
This time they found something wrong with my personality instead of my looks
That stung the most but I kept my little mask up so no one would see

Today is Friday
I fixed everything that was ‘wrong’ and just agreed with people the whole day
They still found another thing wrong with my looks and my personality
Why do they do this to me?

This has went on for a few years now
The ‘judges’ of my life are still there
I’ve learned to ignore them though
They no longer affect me

So goodbye, Judge
Goodbye, labels
Goodbye, stereotypes
I am me.
You can’t change that
and you never will