The Dog

The dog that chewed up everything.
The dog that barks at night.
The dog that stays in my room.
The dog that cleans my floor.
The dog that bites.
The dog who got hit by a car.
The dog that saved my life.
The brown and white dog.
The dog that was always there for me.
The dog that was cool.
The dog that swims with me.
The dog that was a champion.
The dog that I could count on.
The dog that was mine.
The black and white dog.
The dog that I loved to death.
The dog that I sold.
The dogs of my life.
Dog of the future.
The dogs of the past.
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ive had so many dogs but there is one that i loved most her name was little girl. she was my first dog. we did everything together, at first she wasnt the best dog but after a while she became really sweet, caring, everything good in a dog. i loved that dog so much i wish she was still here with me.