The Worse Death Ever

My mama got her when they
First moved into their own house,
But when I fell in love with her,
So my mama gave her to me.

We did everything together.
Everywhere I went she was there.
Her birthday was May, 18th.
She loved her birthday,
Well the cake anyway.

She was brown, and white.
She had blue eyes in the dark,
And brown eyes in the sun.
She was crazier than me.
My mama thought that was imposable,
Until she saw how she acted with me.

Every morning, and afternoon,
She would be at that bus stop,
Walking me back and forth,
My family thought it was unbelievable.

But that one afternoon,
When she wasn’t at my bus stop.
I got off and called her name,
Nowhere to be found.

So I ran home tears falling down my face.
I drop my stuff,
Crawled into the dog house,
There she was laying there not moving a muscle.

She died of old age,
She was 21.
I miss her more than monkeys,
Miss there bananas.

I was broken the best thing of my life,
My best friend,
Was now gone.
There’s not a day that goes by,
That I don’t want her back.
♠ ♠ ♠
i had for so long and just one day she past away.