
All alone... on his knees... Screaming out to the heavens above
Screaming for the love I've lost back...
He swears to the gods that he would do anything to get her back...
... he still screams throughout the silence... hoping for an answer of his plead...
But still the only thing he hears is the ringing of his own screaming in his ears....
he finally gets the message that there will not be a second chance in the silence around him...
He becomes Overwhelmed in depression and begins to think that suicide is the only way to meet him beloved again...
He goes into the office drawer frantically throwing out all of his work.... Finally he reaches what he wanted....
He pulls out the 45.... walks to his bed where he wishes to die holding the picture of their first date....
sobbing.... Grasping the picture in his hands.... he whispers silently through his sobs... "Now... now we can finally be together.... Forever..."
*BLAM, thud......"
Nothing but silence fills the air.......