The Hate of the World

Why does this happen to me?
Ridiculed and trapped
With no hope of being free
All because I prefer short hair to long
And muscles to boobs
Cuz I want to take off boxers not thongs
So each day I'm pushed
Shoved against a wall
Stuffed in a locker
Teased by all
Called names like queer, fag, and gay
With no one to hug me
And tell me it'll be okay
Teachers call me weird and sick
No one hangs around me
Because I don't like chicks
Why won't they leave me alone
Cuz now I live
Without a house, without a home
So I pick up the razor
And hold it to my wrist
Because obviously when I'm dead
These problems won't exsist
I take a deep breath
And make the first cut
Feel the burning within
Don't feel like a mutt
I'm told I won't go to heaven
Hope I enjoy hell
Hope it's better than life
I hope death treats me well
So I sob and I cry
As I slowly die
No one to say goodbye
No one to care
But there won't be any more teasing
No more stares
No more pleasing
So now before I go
I have to let you know
Live a long healthy life
Get a dog
And maybe a wife
Don't worry about me
For now I'm set free
Please don't cry
I came back to tell you
♠ ♠ ♠
I really don't know who he's talking to. But I think it all came together pretty well. Please tell me what you think.