Letter To Me

If I could write a letter to me
and send it back in time to a younger me,
I'd say:
"DON'T rip up the books you wrote.
Someone would have appreciated it one day.
And I know it's tough kid,
to lose your Daddy at 5 years old.
And I know it might take a while,
but you've gotta learn to be strong and bold.
It won't be the end of the world
when you leave all your friends behind,
'Cause it's gotta happen
at some point in your life.
You'll be through more than anyone could have been through
by the time you turn FOURTEEN.
The people you thought would be your friends forever
aren't exactly what they'd seemed.
That boy isn't worth your time-
He'll just end up BREAKING your heart
and you'll wish you'd seen it from the very start.
You don't know what you're missing
when you cry yourself to sleep.
Be grateful for the things you have,
and between your sisters- keep the peace.
So kid, screw TWILIGHT
and skip that emo phase.
Tell someone how you feel once in a while.
These teen years are only preparing you
for the HELL once you turn into an adult.
So learn from your mistakes now, kid.
And don't worry about having the best day ever-
Try to have the best LIFE ever.