You Stinky Phsychos, Youuuu ;3

They kicked me out of that place for crazies...
Yup, it's true!
They thought me too hazy. *~*
What do they mean? I think I'm just lazy! :D

Crazy, crazy... it's just a FAZEYYYY! ;)
Lemme into this mazey, mazey! ^.^
Whispers, whispers... I HEAR THEM SOO MUCH. :E
That's why I was there--crazy and such. xD

Well little lady, o.O
They say to me often. o=
And I don't like it much! >.<
So I say hush, hush and drop kick them... CRUNCH! O.O

....This poem is weak. >:'c
I'm gunna go eat now :3
Goodbye for now... YOU ALL STINKYYYY!! -___-


Copyright©BeckyEvans2011..... although you probably don't wanna STEAL ITTT 3x


(author's NOTE)
not wat I usually write. didn't care aboutttt the grammar :3 oTAYYYY hope you liked itttt :DDD