Back to the Real World

Time to go back to the real world
Where dragons and unicorns lie.
Where nymphs are running rampant,
And humans have to fly.

Time to go back to the real world
Where the colors sing.
Where castles tower high,
And my good friend is the king.

Mermaids swim all day.
Werewolves howl at night.
Where fairies laugh and play,
And vampires will suck your blood.

The real world is quite scary;
One finds very odd things.
You love the one you marry,
And sail upon the seas.

It's not for the faint of heart,
It's only for the brave.
And remember, once you part,
You're never quite the same.

So welcome to the real world.
We are glad you're here!
No matter what your age is,
I greet you as my peer.