Lost Forever

You are the one I see
day after day.
The one I want to punch,
when you walk my way.
Even when your not,
the feelings still there,
serving as my forbidden fruit,
a want I will never be able to achieve.
I’ll share with you a little secret,
that I’ve kept hidden away.
A secret no body know,
not even my dogs, or my pillow,
or even my best friend.
The truth is, I hate you.
I hate the way you walk,
high up on you toes,
with your nose held high,
looking down at everybody else.
I hate your eyes,
the way they travel
from here to there,
trying to spot your next pray,
to toy and play,
only to crush it in the end.
I hate your voice,
and the lies that
flow from your mouth.
Your fake apologies,
that go on for miles,
that have no intention
to be carry it out.
I hate your attitude,
and the influence
you have on people.
Your jokes, that everyone
find so comical,
I hate how you make my
best friend shed so many tears,
it is unbelievable.
I hate your act of indifference,
and how you never
seem to care.
I hate the very air you breath,
I hate you that much, I swear.
Though I hate you with
a burning passion that not
even hell could hold,
somehow I once found it
in the depths of my heart,
the way to love you.
But you have crushed it all away,
made the memories we had
turn into nothing but ash.
So now all i have are faded photographs
of the time we shared
and the fact that you once cared.
So while you slither your way
through the crowd of people,
I watch from a distance as
you suck their hearts right out,
and wonder what I used to see in you,
for now I see nothing but the form
of a once beloved friend,
practically brother,
who sold his soul to the devil,
without a single doubt.