Voices, Voices

ya, it's long. if you don't wanna read it, then GET OUT cause I really just wrote this for my friend. sorry for the meaness. enjoy??

You hear the terrified screams,
Only realizing they're echoing from your own mouth,
Ringing in your ears,
Burning your throat.

You're horrified of what's ahead of you,
But unwilling to go back to the past,
And so you're stuck in the middle,
Running from all the confused riddles.

In front of you it stands,
Seeming to go on for miles.
Imagine all the people inside,
Swarming around the weaker.

You're afraid you'll be one of them,
And so you turn away from it all,
Because no one understands;
No one's ever cared.

There's a small girl inside you,
Telling you it'll be fine,
And deep inside you know it's true...
But another voice is screaming, too.

You listen to the second,
Telling you there's a way out,
A way to forget it all,
But for such a large price.

You don't want to listen to the other voice,
So small and delicate,
But you feel it's the right one,
You you still turn away.

The advce it is giving,
Is from a dark voice,
And so many people beg you to take the first...
But you can't bare to listen to it all.

The fear strikes you like a whip,
As you look up at the soaring height,
But as you begin to turn away,
Away from it all and into the darkness of nothingness...

That tiny voice rose higher than the other--
The small, first voice that you hadn't wanted to hear.
It told you to find the strength to keep going,
That the darkness is not worth a million times of this torture.

And this one time you listened,
Instead of taking the dark path leading from all light.
You turned back to the building... and walked through the doors...
And into this life you realize only now is worth the world.


hope ya like it Chels ^^