Music of Our Hearts

Your name is in the stars.
Your face is in the clouds.
Your touch is in the wind.
Your voice is in the headphones.

The lyrics speak to me.
They tell me what I feel.
Love songs make me think of you.
How the hell can I argue?

Every beat is every touch.
Every word is every kiss.
Every song is every thought.
Every chorus is every heartbeat.

Your heart beats with mine.
Our hands find each other and fingers intertwine.
Our legs move together in beautiful choreography.
A beautiful dance.

The Tango...
Fox Trot...

Soft gentle movements,
made only for me and you.
Together we live on clouds.
Together for eterna-ever.

Let the music play.
Don't let my heart break.
Hold me in your arms.
Sing me a love love song.

Tell me you love me...
Because I certainly love you.