I'm Just ME!

Verse 1: Were you leaving me for a reason? Making me sit on the doorstep of the rest of my life. What happened to you loving me or caring?!? Verse 2: You act like I'm nothing but I guess I can find another person who actually cares about me. Chorus: All you see is my imperfection you don't see the real me. Don't try to be what your not. You are you and me I'm just well...ME
Verse 3: Hope your life is a whole lot better without me. I wake up and find myself in a bed that isn't mine in a room full of kids. I guess I'm a lifer. Maybe someone at this home will care about me. I am already taken care of better than I ever was with you. ((Chorus)) I'm just me I'm just me so don't try to change who I am. Don't try to change who I am...