Where Were You?

Where were you when I was about to cry?
When I felt so utterly embarassed at the fact you somehow knew my darkest secret.
And that would be,
That I liked you. Just a simple crush, nothing more to you.
But to me it was everything more than a crush.
It was love almost.
Some might think it's crazy to love some one at such a young age, but I didn't.
I thought it was beautiful.
That is until the day it all came crashing down.
Spinning around me, breaking infront of my eyes.
You found out my biggest secret.
And where were you again?
Oh wait, You were in the corner laughing with your friends.
Dont try to lie, i know what i saw because,
I saw it with my own wto eyes.
And that my friend was the day,
You broke my beautiful, and perfect heart.