The Graceless Man

-The Graceless Man-

What’s with the décor: The yellow and orange, the fowls and the beads?
Whatever happened to the heart-filled warmth that was achieved by hard labor and endless deeds?
It was washed away by heartless beauty and greedy greens.
Left to rot in a battle field where its victors conning smile left you in a falsely righteous feel.
You dance and you laugh and say worthless words that you truly don’t know.
Do you know the meaning of grace, of divine gratefulness?
Have you pondered its meaning or, where you busy in a painful monotone that lacked truth and pure emotions?
It seems you sat at a table fit for a king with your faithless wife and your hopeless kids.
You’ve never reflected or groaned in agony because everything you see is wrapped in pleated and ghastly senses.
And thus you became the Graceless Man.