Freak Show

This is a freak show I'm tired of being in this circus.
I wanna be free...I'm suppose to be heaven, how did i fell in this cruel world?
Did god send me here for something? I don't remember why i`m here.
Can someone please help me i wanna be where i suppose to be i miss my big brother who all ways been there for me no matter what...I met a girl she is beautiful from inside and out i believe that i fell in love with her she all ways been there for me from those bad time.
I have lot of wound specially in my angels wing...If I'm an angel I'm suppose to protect people right? Why I'm here by being abuse by the devil who have a cold heart and so heartless while he laugh seen me in pain crying and begging for help did god send me here for a reason? I don't want her seen me in pain i know that cry on her heart when she see me like this......I wanna be free get me out from this horrible cage i wanna like a bird who had been free from the cage....
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I got inspire by a fanfic that it call "freak show" by my friend Harmony77uk so i decide to write a poem about it ^_^