*** this Love

I've been hurt before
by this stupid thing called love,
they say it beautiful
all I can say it hurts me every time

It's always time, distance, diference or mistakes
It makes my heart ache
I need a heart assistance to help me
cause this heart crime is out of control

They hurt you and throw you around like nothing.
I've been kicked down and thrown around like nothing.
and it hurts to know that I'm so weak with this,
I know I should be stronger, but I can't help to love this awful feeling

But who am I kidding?
love is the best thing, when you find the one
the one who is there for you
when no one else is.

But that smile of his, that smile
with just a look at it it takes my breath away.
I don't care about the hurt,
I love him

He might love me, or he might not
It may be all a huge joke
I don't really care
as long as he is mine for a while

this hurt is good for me,
it makes me feel alive
I wish I could believe and understand
love, and understand that sometimes it has to hurt

I just want you to know
that as much as it hurts me,
I still love you.

You're beautiful and perfect,
you make me crazy with everything.
and as much as I love to be hurt by you all I have to say is: Fuck this love.