
I sigh in despair, lost.
I whisper, regrets.
I look to my side, alone.
I look above, loved.
I see, ignore…
I feel, without reason.
I touch, searching.
I stand, to crumble.
I crawl, nowhere.
I cry, breaking…
I scream, help me.
I reach out, and slap away.
I try again, and pull back.
I stop myself, afraid.
I believe, to be let down.
I let myself down.
I dig, deeper.
I hide, scared.
I run, away.
I look back, disappointment.
I look ahead, hope.
I fall, crushed.
I sigh in despair, lost.
I whisper, regrets.
I look to my side, alone.
I look above, loved.
I see, ignore…