"Dreaming of you"

Poem: Dreaming Of You

Every night, when it's time to sleep, I pray to lord,
and start to count sheep.....

Someone I love will come see me tonight, We always
get along, We NEVER fight.....

It's been so long, almost 4 years, every night when
I sleep , I hope he appears...

When I see him, so vivid in my dreams, My heart
starts to pound, it feels so extreme!

I Miss my DADDY, so very much, I only wish that
We could see each other more.

I'm holding my DADDY'S hands, and kiss his
cheeks, patiently waiting for him to speak...

When he says," I Love You" and holds me in his
arms, I feel safe, and never could be harmed.

I feel so happy, not a sorrow in my mind, 2
souls together, totally combined!

We walked together, holding hands, on our bare
feet, we felt cold sand.

The sky was so warm, so beautiful in
color, I was there with my DADDY, but in a deep
deep slumber....

In the time that we shared, our SOULS felt
complete, I don't want it to end, PLEASE let it repeat!!

I can feel my emotions, as dear as a day,
it started with excitement, I can't dismay.

My DADDY looked at me, not saying 1 word,
however i knew our time was deferred.

I fought the sensation, not wanting to
leave, But DADDY had to leave, it was now time
to bereave.

As i stood up slowly, I glanced at the sky,
caught a quick glimpse, and began to cry.

The clouds opened wide, to show DADDY
the way, now I knew he couldn't stay, now I
felt alone and began to bereave.

A kiss and a hug, and a quick," I Love
You", DADDY then decided to pass right

It was such a beautiful scene, the sky
was all full of blues and greens.

DADDY disappeared into the sky, walking instruct,
right by GODS side!

I sat on the bench and watched the sunset,
then suddenly felt a sense of regret.

It was now time to wake, time to up-rise,
While I awake, I rubbed my eyes....

This was only a dream....something sweet
for a soul, We'll meet again, and soon
feel WHOLE!

By: Acid_Tears