Oh Captain, My Captain: A dedication to Capt. Phil Harris (1956-2010)

February 10, 2010
Age: 14

When the sad sad news rang across the air into my ears,
I was surprised to not find tears.

I had just found out that Capt. Phil was dead,
and my surprise was so strong it filled his beloved Bearing Sea with red.

On the boat Capt. Phil was careful with life,
especially his sons he’d cut the ropes away with a knife.

The ‘Brothers’ of the Bearing Sea will rally and unite,
because losing a ‘Brother’ is just something they cannot fight.

I wish I could go back in time to prevent Capt. Phil from doing the bad stuff,
but that would be impossible because he’s just way to tough.

Although Capt. Phil has passed away,
his life and legacy are here to stay.