I Miss You

I keep thinking about you
I can never keep you off my mind
Not even for a day
Sometimes i wish i could
forget you entirely
But i can't
I miss your smile
I miss your eyes
I miss how much
You once loved me
I miss your laugh
I miss how you would
Cheer me up when i was down
You made me believe that i was
Perfect the way i was
You told me never to change
Yet here i am
I have changed
I have changed because of you
You were the one that
changed me for the good
I don't think i could have done it
With out you
And no matter what
I will always love you
Maybe this is wishful thinking
But if we ever got back together
I would love you right
I love how i can always go to you still
When ever i have a problem
I want to tell you good -bye
Yet i can't
Because i still love you
Maybe you could
Love me back like you
Used to
Once upon a time