
When I was little I was cute,
when I was a preteen I was nice,
but now I'm a teenager...
And I'm so pretty, please pardon my vanity,
but now I'm pretty. But not inside.
Inside I feel ugly.
I feel like a toad.
I feel like a girl being looked at under a microscope,
my fathers sins, my sisters perfection.
If I was meant to be perfect, he would have made me that way.
If I was meant to be perfect, he would have given me superpowers..
I would be spidergirl. I would be invicible.
But instead I'm stuck in this body,
this body with big boobs,
a bubble butt, and a huge stomach.
I would have been a skinny, pretty girl.
I would have been a girl worthy of you.
♠ ♠ ♠
When I wrote this poem, I was going through hard times with my family. My dad was beig covicted for some bad things. My 11 year old sister was the ultimate athlete, with a great gum record and cheerleading princess...