Far Away but so Close

You can run away
And not get very far

You can take an adventure
some where close

keep walking along the
road, bridge or hill
remember your mission

you have a place to leave
And you have a place to go

do not let yourself forget
you can always come home
no matter where you are
its the final destination in your travels

sometimes it is for the best to step off the path
let yourself get lost
loose yourself smelling the roses
or swimming with the fishes
or climbing a mountain

forget your struggles
forget the bad
but don't let yourself

remember the good
don't miss what you had
look forward to what you are going to have

your future

along your travels
make new memories
experience what you have not before
create a new world
new for you

just go
far or near
♠ ♠ ♠
a creative writing project didnt think it was to bad