
An apple that never rots,
Nice and round, sweet and juicy.
It holds all the necessities that you need,
A drink, a snack, a hope all in one

Until one day, you lose it,
Someone taking it away from you,
Taking a large bite from it,
Ripping the nice off white away from the core

And then it’s gone,
Whipped away from you like the wind
Now there are no rustling leaves,
No sweetness left inside the waxy skin,

Only brown and dry,
Tossed back at you like scraps
It’s now just another to add to the pile,
The pile of apples that have been tossed

Tossed by another person who comes in
Taking away the shiny new apple you’ve just earned.
You work and work for a new one,
But once you leave it in the open
Someone takes your brand new apple.