The Dark Place

Whatever I do, I fail.

Nothing I do turns out right.

I don’t even know why I try.

Because I end up screwing things up anyway.

Everything around me just seems to constantly mock me.

I’m surrounded by barriers.

I’m unable to reach out too far.

I’m scared.

Everything I’ve been taught tells me not to reach out.

But, I’m so miserable here.

There has to be a better place than this.

But, my cowardice just keeps me here wondering.

If there really is a better place.

I’m alone. Yet, surrounded by people.

I don’t know my self.

I’m smiling.

Forever smiling.

I’m screaming.

Forever screaming.

My heart’s filled with anguish.

Splintered by the many choices I choose.

And the ones I don’t.

I live in a dark place.

With just a bit of light for me to see.