No OTher GOD like mine.

If you feel all alone and don't know where to turn
just look at me right now,
If you ever feel like giving up
just please just hear me out

there is someone one you can turn to
and it won't be me
i'm warning you now, don't make a sound
i know its hard to believe

A GOD I know have you heard of him?
He's actually quite nice.
He knows h many hairs are on your head,
He's the one planning your life

I know you're thinking Oh my Goodness!
So he's the reason why?!
Now don't be quick to judge foe let me tell you
don't let the pass you by,

When you think of all your problems
when you think of all your pain
don't ever Judge the person who
in one blink can take your breath away

I know it may sound like thats what you want
but trust thats just cruel
have you ever heard of Jesus Christ?
He dided on the cross for you.

So when you look at it this way
just read my lovely lips
So think of it as making food
you dont want' it to be nasty Grits

When you make a cake
you put all the stuff in a bowl
you mix it up and stir in up
and in the pan it goes

then you have to realize
that in order to be complete
you need to put in the oven
so it shape comes from the heat

So when the cake is done
you can decorate it as you please
and now you prabaly saying to yourself
What does that have to do with me?

Just do put it this way.
Imagine yourself the cake
in order for you to be who you are
you need to be all baked

So when you fall in trouble
or when your life's at stake
you need to have some heat
that heat is your mistakes

so when your put yourself together
and you have no problems at all
GOD sends alittle trouble
or something big until you fall

You realize something here?
How you are like the cake?
you need some big heat so you can be
that Perfect Yummy Cake.

So what I'm trying to say
Is that without the heat you need
you'll just be ingridients inside a bowl
and something no one can eat

So take my advice
even tho its very confusing
just pray to GOD to help you out
Because this life you then will be Enjoying. :)
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just thought you needed some motivation :)